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Quinoa - A Healthy Addition to Your Family's Diet

There are many very simple quinoa breakfast recipes you can follow either online or perhaps in books, I would like to share with you 3 products I have to say is my favourites. You will find cuidar la salud that quinoa can be so versatile a rice grain, that it is possible to add pretty much anything to it without overpowering the flavour of quinoa rice. Cooking quinoa is incredibly easy and there are numerous things you can do by using it.

The uncooked quinoa has less calories but more manganese, magnesium, iron, tryptophan, copper and phosphorous. If you are focused on serving it in variation then you shouldn't because quinoa is most likely one of the most versatile food we've. You can serve it in the morning, lunch or supper and will also not alter the taste of other ingredients.

1 3/4 servings of quinoa
8 cups of chicken broth
2 tablespoons of essential olive oil (divided)
1 pound white or Portobello mushrooms (sliced)
1 large white onion (chopped)
6 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
3 cups of water
2 servings of frozen or fresh corn
12-14 oz. spinach leaves
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

With such simplicity of preparation, start to substitute other grain to vary the new cereal choices. Try using unconventional grains like quinoa, buckwheat groats, and wheat berries for your cereal list. All are simple, unprocessed cereals that make very satisfying breakfast cereals! The larger height and width of the grains will, naturally, have to have a longer initial cooking times starting from 15-45 minutes before you store it overnight.

The protein seen in quinoa recipes carries a remarkably high value. Quinoa carries a complete protein, with all the current 8 essential amino acid balance similar to that of milk protein. Quinoa's protein has lots of lysine, methionine and cysteine that make it an excellent food to blend with, and improve the value of protein from other grains who have low lysine or soy that's low in methionine and cysteine. It features a rich and balanced source of nutrients besides its exceptional protein; quinoa also provides vitamins and minerals, sugars, starch and fibers. Quinoa is particularly high in essential linoleic acid.