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The recipe for apple cider vinegar beverage is really simple. Mix 2 tea spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and mix thoroughly. This mixture needs to be taken thrice a day prior to the dishes. Another easy recipe is to include boiling water to a blend of 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp of honey. Mix it up thoroughly prior to consuming. Blending one tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drinking every morning is stated to be really helpful. Mixing a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar with water and utilizing the option on sore injuries will accelerate the recovery procedure.

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In the meantime, while the apples are boiling, start getting the containers ready. Sterilize them prior to you use them and store the empty jars in a warm place so that they do not crack when you pour the juice.

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