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Easy Vegetarian Recipe: Curried Red Beans With Quinoa

We in the west are being encouraged to eat more of a whole array of foods that features legumes, nuts, vegetables and whole grain products. While the most typical grains eaten under western culture are wheat, rice and corn, they generally aren't most often consumed in their most nutritious form. Think of white flour, white rice, and corn syrup: not exactly nutritious, right?

This is to some extent because it is considered a whole protein. It contains all essential amino acids our bodies need including lysine. Interestingly quinoa is stuffed with this important nutrient. The reason we'd like amino acids is always that proteins are made up of them along with your body needs these phones make and look after muscle tissue. Right now many people get protein from meat and dairy foods. Only a couple of grains and also other plant based foods contain all the different types of protein blocks we want. That's why quinoa is known as a super food and is particularly often called the caretaker grain.

Add one part quinoa to two parts liquid with your pot. You can use water, broth, juice, or perhaps milk if you want. All gives different qualities to your finished quinoa. Once the liquid boils, slow up the heat and allow it to go simmer for approximately 15 minutes. As soon as the liquid is absorbed, your quinoa is ready. Let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Fluff with a fork.

Protein: Not all foods considered full of protein contain each of the essential amino acids in proper proportions for optimum effectiveness within the body, but quinoa does. quinoa comprar is really a complete protein, meaning it has all essential amino acids in perfect proportions. In fact, quinoa has the same protein quality as milk. For a vegan, or perhaps a vegetarian who doesn't drink milk, quinoa is the ideal replacement food. Mix in some black beans in a simple soup or casserole, along with the ultimate protein-rich super-food.

To get started using this type of dish, you will want to have two glasses of cooked quinoa, 28 ounces of red kidney beans, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a diced onion, two cloves of garlic, fresh chopped spinach, and ½ cup diced carrots. For seasoning you will want to add in a teaspoon of curry powder, ¼ teaspoon of cumin, ½ tsp salt and ¼ teaspoon of minced jalapeno peppers. You will want to add pepper according to your own taste.