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Using Quinoa As a Staple Food

Quinoa is among the most versatile super food I can ever imagine because it will not alter the taste of other ingredients. You can cook it and serve it however you want and there are thousands of recipes for quinoa that you can find over the internet. People are kind enough to express their quinoa recipes to us. I like starting my day which has a bowl of quinoa because remedios naturales I feel that I convey more energy.

To get the best from your quinoa recipes, soak it for about five minutes before you cook it. Drain it by using a fine sieve or a cheesecloth lined colander. Rinse with hot water for a few minutes. Do not skimp here-unless you can rinse over saponins at first glance of the seed, your dish will turn out bitter. You can buy pre-rinsed quinoa in the event you prefer.

Just today my wonderful wife was on cooking duties so we were having honey and mushroom chicken casserole. The only problem was the sauce was far too runny. So I suggested she throw in some quinoa to absorb the excess liquid. Now my lady is very patient and understanding with my quinoa obsession and duly put half just one cup into the casserole. Sure enough 15 minutes later we had a delicious meal with all the sauce consumed.

It is also versatile and pretty delicious. It is easy to just keep a large bowl of computer in the fridge and have it all week. Use it as opposed to rice, so that it is into a pilaf by throwing in a few fresh herbs as well as a small amount of essential olive oil, or Cajun spices along with a small amount of sea salt. You can also make an Italian dish out than it by adding your favorite pasta sauce with some fresh parsley, basil, as well as a little Parmesan cheese. It is a perfect choice for breakfast rather than oatmeal with some chopped apples, cinnamon, and walnuts.

Absolutely! I think mixing red and white makes for a very attractive dish! Red and white quinoa are cooked exactly the same. Most of the time, I find that red quinoa has a little longer to prepare and requires more rinsing. For this reason, I will often position the red quinoa in minutes before the white. Since the seeds get mushy if this over cooks, this helps keep the white seeds from getting too soft.