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Gluten Free Grains - Using Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced as keen-wa) has existed for more than 5000 years now but unfortunately, the wonderful many benefits haven't been fully explored yet. Did you know that it's considered as a super food? Since I started reading about quinoa nutritional information, I happily replaced my white rice with it. It was one of the most sacred food to the ancient Incas and they also held it in such high regard that they referred to it as "la quinoa Chisiya Mama" or "Mother of Grains".

This super grain has scary levels of protein and contains more amino acids than other regular grains. Lysine, which can not be synthesized with the human body - meaning we have to get it from an outside source, to supplement our diet, are simply in Quinoa super grains. It is also abundant in vitamins and minerals and low in fat and cholesterol. It is gluten-free unlike wheat which includes gluten (in which a lot of people are allergic to) which is easy to digest. It is one of many healthiest foods you will find in the market which can be included in practically anybody's diet.

My first time up I decided I would show my daughter the amount of I actually enjoyed cooking and that I really could do this (and that I wasn't so 'lame' in fact). So I spent an hour on the internet searching for recipes that involved vegetables as a main dish. What an education. There are so many. I found themselves choosing a dish that required Chinese 5-spice, mushrooms, a variety of stir-fried peppers, Thai chilis, lime, soy sauce and garlic fried in olive oil on a bed of rice stick (don't feel bad, I didn't understand what 'rice stick' was either). I must have spent $25 putting that first meal together mainly because it involved numerous ingredients that had never entered the house. The dish would have been a big hit.

Not only that, nevertheless the protein content in quinoa is considered complete, because all eight with the essential amino acids can be found. This is unusual for plant based protein sources. Of particular note is always that quinoa is a superb source of lysine. Lysine is an important amino acid given it plays a vital role in cellular repair. This makes quinoa an outstanding addition in your diet a high level vegetarian.

Secret 5 - Its comes in 3 forms
The most frequent form is the seed or grain form. This is what you boil in a saucepan with water for 10 -15 minutes. You can also buy quinoa flour. This is not a like for like substitute for wheat flour but I also have some success in baking with quinoa flour. The last variety is quinoa flakes. These can be made up into a breakfast porridge or muesli base. It can also be used to make quinoa cookies and biscuits.

Secret 6 - Quinoa Can Help You Lose Weight
Although it's not at all very low in calories or fat count quinoa is incredibly filling. So you do not need to eat very much to feel satisfied. I was in the restaurant once where quinoa was around the menu. The portion served was massive. I had to depart most of it much towards the waiters dismay. My Spanish Language skills were not up to explaining why I left so much for the plate. The other reason it helps you lose fat is that you always eat quinoa along with other healthy foods like vegetables and fruit.

Secret 7 - It Is Very Easy To Cook Quinoa
I don't realize people who say to me that quinoa is tough to cook. It is not. If you can boil pasta or rice then you can cook quinoa. It is a new ingredient to a lot of but worth looking into for your good health of your body