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Quinoa FAQs

It has only been in the last a decade that quinoa may be widely available in the western world. In fact, some grocers still do not carry this tiny seed. Because most people did not mature eating quinoa, everybody is confused about how to cook quinoa. This is especially true for red quinoa, because it is not as widely available as white quinoa. Here are some tips to cooking quinoa!

It is important to know that these substitutes are often highly processed carbohydrates, often full of sugar, cornstarch or any other unhealthy additives. They are, actually, detrimental to balancing blood sugar levels. So, in fact, and we don't promote eating these kinds of foods (GF or otherwise) frequently.

First, you need to rinse the quinoa. Quinoa includes a coating called saponin which is soapy and bitter tasting. Most commercial packages of quinoa have gone through a preliminary rinsing process, but it is good to go ahead and execute a quick rinse by yourself. Just use an excellent mesh strainer or fine cloth and run cool water through the grains as you sift through all of them with your fingers or perhaps a spoon. Quinoa grains have become tiny, similar in space to millet. Taste a number of, and if they are not bitter chances are they'll are ready.

Secret 4 - There are different types
When I grew some quinoa in my garden last year I was surprised at the number of varieties inside seed catalogue. There are also a minimum of 3 different colours. The most common is white beneficios quinoa (More a cream colour). You can have black quinoa and red quinoa. The variety I grew was called rainbow and would have been a mix of browns, reds and blacks. The different varieties have different levels of oils within them and some tend to be crunchy than other.

There are many different types of Quinoa however the one mostly found on the shelves of the supermarket or health food store is the white variety. Black and Red Quinoa seeds are also available in addition you'll find Quinoa flour and Quinoa flakes for sale. It is a fabulously versatile ingredientA�that will complement practically any meal from breakfast cereals, salads, breads and even chocolate cake. So it won't only provide a tasty feast for INCA warriors and often will provide the nutrients absent from most contemporary diets today.