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Easy Quinoa Breakfast Recipes

There are many very simple quinoa breakfast recipes it is possible to follow either online or perhaps in books, I would like to reveal to you 3 of what I say is my favourites. You will find that quinoa is indeed versatile a rice grain, that you'll be able to add just about anything to it without overpowering the flavour of quinoa rice. Cooking quinoa is incredibly easy and there are numerous things you'll be able to do from it.

This is to some extent because it is considered a total protein. It contains all essential amino acids the body need including lysine. Interestingly quinoa is filled with this important nutrient. The reason we require amino acids is that proteins comprise them plus your body needs these to make and maintain muscle tissue. Right now many of us get protein from meat and dairy foods. Only a handful of grains as well as other plant based foods contain all the different types of protein blocks we require. That's why quinoa is considered a super food and it is often called mom grain.

Cooking quinoa is definitely an simple process. You do need to rinse the quinoa thoroughly when you cook it. I like to rinse my quinoa for around 4 minutes under hot water. If I prepare, sometimes I will soak the quinoa for thirty minutes and then just rinse for a minute or two. Rinsing the quinoa is crucial because otherwise it's going to have a bitter taste to it.

Secret 4 - There are different types
When I grew some quinoa in my garden a year ago I was surprised at the number of varieties in the seed catalogue. There are also no less than 3 different colours. The most common is white quinoa (More a cream colour). You can likewise have black quinoa and salud red quinoa. The variety I grew was called rainbow and would have been a mix of browns, reds and blacks. The different varieties also have different numbers of oils included and some tend to be more crunchy than other.

While most recipes for cooking quinoa call for a one to two ratio between the seed and liquid, I think a more effective ratio is certainly one to one and a half. Bring the quinoa and liquid with a simmer after which reduce to low. Cook covered for 25 minutes, or prior to the water is absorbed. Allow to remain covered for the next five minutes. Fluff and serve.