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Buy Quinoa and Live a Healthier Life

Quinoa (pronounced as keen-wa) has existed for more than 5000 years now but unfortunately, the wonderful health advantages haven't been fully explored yet. Did you know that it's considered as a super food? Since I started reading about quinoa nutritional information, I happily replaced my white rice by using it. It was the most sacred food for that ancient Incas plus they held it in these high regard they referred to it as "cuidar la salud Chisiya Mama" or "Mother of all Grains".

I have to tell the truth. When I first heard about quinoa, I was greater than a little skeptical. How could a food that had so many health benefits actually taste good too? A close friend of mine was attempting to convince me that it would give me the energy and protein that I should fuel my busy life, but I has not been so sure. Boy, am I glad that I chose to take the plunge! Since the very first time I learned how to cook quinoa, I have been hooked! Even better, my children loves quinoa too!

Now for the nutrition profile: Quinoa includes a nice amount of calcium. One serving of quinoa will give you comparable as a cup of milk. It also contains hefty numbers of zinc, potassium, iron, b vitamins, fiber, and healthy oils. These nutritional supplements give you energy, assistance with sleep, fat loss, and lastly prevention of illness. But essentially the most important factor that sets quinoa apart from any other grain is that it contains all 8 essential amino acids so it's actually a complete protein alone.

Aside from being a good source of protein, Quinoa is also an excellent provider of insoluble fiber helping to make digestion more effective. It can be packed with good carbohydrates which increases the time whenever you last ate, and the time once you already feel hungry. Calcium is also one of the nutrients within Quinoa. And finally, and not the least and definitely not the last in the long report on nutrition that comes because of this superfood is Vitamin E - the vitamin that fights against harmful free-radicals.

Quinoa can be cooked in the same manner as rice and used alternatively for rice or couscous. It has a light fluffy texture which has a slight crunch. For extra flavor, it can be toasted inside a dry frying pan until it pops after which cooked. Quinoa is an excellent additive to soups, stews and casseroles. If you choose, you may use fruit juice instead of water in order to smoke. It makes a delicious breakfast cereal.