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Have You Heard About Quinoa? We in the west are being asked to eat really a whole range of foods which includes legumes, nuts, vegetables and cereals. While the most popular grains eaten in the west are wheat, rice and corn, sometimes they aren't mostly consumed within their most nutritious form. Think of white flour, white rice, and corn syrup: a slam dunk nutritious, right?

The uncooked quinoa has less calories but more manganese, magnesium, iron, tryptophan, copper and phosphorous. If you are concerned about serving it in variation then you shouldn't because quinoa is probably one of the most versatile food we have. You can serve it in the morning, lunch or supper and this will not affect the taste of other ingredients.

Gluten is a protein that's found in grain products including wheat, rye, barley and oats. It causes great discomfort and illness when eaten to people who have celiac disease. Quinoa is often a great food for those who can't tolerate gluten, because inside the standard, raw form, it is gluten-free. There may, however, be some risks to gluten exposure with certain quinoa products including flour and flakes. These products proceed through processing plants which could use machines for wheat products and quinoa product thus causing cross contamination.

Here are some in the basic Quinoa nutrition facts that can provide the answer for the dilemmas and difficulties facing a vegetarian and vegan diet;
Protein - One in the reasons why Quinoa is indeed well suited for those using a vegetarian or vegan weight loss program is that it is one from the only plant foods thatA�contains all 9 essential amino acids that you crucially need, with each Quinoa seed supplying you with an amazingly rich source of nutrition protein.

There are many different models of Quinoa nevertheless the one normally found on the shelves of the supermarket or health restaurant is the white variety. Black and Red Quinoa seeds are also available in addition you'll find Quinoa flour and Quinoa flakes offered. It is a fabulously versatile ingredientA�that will complement practically any meal from breakfast cereals, salads, breads as well as chocolate cake. So it doesn't only provide a tasty feast for INCA warriors but will provide the nutrients absent from most modern diets today.