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History of Quinoa Plant

Today's society is suffering from obesity-related diseases. In fact in the US, coronary disease is theA�NUMBER 1 killer, now which is a scary statistic. Heart disease is directly of this particular clogging up of your arteries from your cholesterol, saturated and lethal trans fats the body absorbs when eating high fat and high cholesterol diets. Studies have found out that by reducing Cholesterol you are able to radically decrease the risk of heart problems. In fact there aren't any documented cases of heart attacks in people whose cholesterol levels are only those who adhere to a non-meat eating diet for example, the industry fairly compelling statistic.

Where can you buy quinoa? You can buy quinoa online as a Whole Grain, an organic and organic cultivar mostly from Peru and Bolivia; it will always be sold in 12 oz. packages or boxes. It is cooked in just 10 - 15 minutes, wheat free and gluten free, as a result quinoa the right food for individuals that follow a wheat free and gluten free diet. It is certified organic which suggests it was planted and cultivated on an unfertilized and healthy soil.

It comes in three varieties: white quinoa grain (the most frequent), red and black. During the commercial cultivation of quinoa grain, much of the saponins which cover the quinoa seeds, has been removed, even though it is still better to wash the seeds thoroughly before cooking to remove any remaining saponin residue. A better way is always to run cold water over quinoa in a very fine-meshed strainer, rubbing the seeds relating to the hands. To make sure the saponins have been completely removed, taste a number of seeds. If they still have a bitter taste, repeat the rinsing process.

If you do not possess a severe allergy to gluten, many times these products remedios naturales tend not to cause any reaction. If your allergy is a bit more serious or if you've got celiac disease, you should make sure that you are getting these products from factories that don't use the same machines to produce both quinoa products and grain products.

Normal salad greens - Instead of using mixed salad greens or regular lettuce to your salads, try exchanging half the greens for chopped Swiss chard. Or, rather than sauteing spinach for any vegetable side dish, try sauteing Swiss chard with some olive or coconut oil and minced garlic. Swiss chard includes a remarkable amount of vitamin A, nearly your entire recommended daily intake with just single serving, and also almost 700 times the recommended intake of vitamin K, important for bone health. Swiss chard is just 35 calories per cooked cup, therefore it makes a delicious nutrient dense side dish or addition to soups, salads and stir-fry's without adding up the calories.