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Quinoa Diet - The Secret Food in the Incas

When the earth breathes, the river on Brewster Flats drains into Cape Cod Bay leaving miles wide swath of wavy sand where fiddler crabs scurry sideways and buried clams squirt streams of salty water within my unsuspecting toes. I dance through the sand just like a young girl investigating an undersea kingdom now exposed such as the Red Sea which Moses parted until I come to the lake's edge, one mile now offshore, removed from its original holding ground. Imagine my delight when I discover inside the now shallow liquid domain, a horseshoe crab all ancient and dinosaurish. He wriggles all his spiny legs when I pluck him from his home and hold him the other way up so I could see his undersides. I imagine he is not very comfortable therefore, with much mercy I release him, but only to look for another.

With food allergies and child obesity an issue for some families, being aware of what foods to pack can be a challenge. Mix together the requirement of healthy foods and busy schedules, and you have a recipe for frustration over what to bring along for your kid's school lunch, as well as, what you will end up eating at the job.

This is great pity because quinoa is amongst the best foods you can eat. It is a complete protein and is gluten free. In fact for those who have to eat a very restrictive diet quinoa is perfect as it is known being one of the least allergenic foods. Because it is an alkaline food it is good for people suffering from diabetes. There are also benefits for many other ailments and illnesses like hemorrhoids, asthma, high cholesterol levels and blood problems.

It was the Incas around 500 years ago that have been the first individuals to recognise quinoa's nutritional value, considering it to become sacred food source; they worshipped the grain within their culture; and was secondary simply to the humble potato. Its protein count is between 12-18%, possesses 9 of the very essential amino acids, which can be so important for the human body; making quinoa a total protein source along with a great weight-loss food.

Red Quinoa is slightly crunchier and smells of earthier, nuttier aromas. Excellent as a stuffing for cold salad base, it pairs beautifully effortlessly kinds of vegetables, onion, garlic or nuts. Red quinoa will lure foodies and make them interested having its flavor, high protein content and satisfied but with no full feeling it leaves together. This one can be great for soups and stews.