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My Favorite Quinoa Breakfast Recipes

Quinoa (pronounced as keen-wa) 's been around for more than 5000 years now however, the wonderful health advantages haven't been fully explored yet. Did you know that it can be considered as a super food? Since I started reading about quinoa nutritional information, I happily replaced my white rice by it. It was essentially the most sacred food for the ancient Incas and they also held it in these high regard that they referred to it "La Chisiya Mama" or "Mother of Grains".

Quinoa is often a grain like seed which contains between 14% and 18% protein. Unlike other grains, quinoa's protein is complete and doesn't need to be supplemented along with other foods like legumes. Quinoa has scary levels of the eight fatty (amino) acids which can be the building blocks of life and also contains Vitamin E and B vitamins. It is really a source of calcium and iron.

I am not fearful of trying out something totally new but I know everybody is. I have a weekly email postbag asking that they should cook quinoa. Most apparently express a fear of doing something wrong and ruining their food. The best thing to accomplish is think about how you cook another seed, grain or legume and apply that to quinoa. By doing this you suddenly have a huge range of possible ways to eat quinoa that you could try out.

It is also versatile and pretty delicious. It is easy to just keep a large bowl of computer in the fridge and also have it all week. Use it in place of rice, so that it is into a pilaf by throwing in most fresh herbs plus a small amount of olive oil, or Cajun spices along with a small amount of sea salt. You can also make an Italian dish out than it by adding your chosen pasta sauce with a few fresh parsley, basil, as well as a little Parmesan cheese. It is a perfect choice for breakfast rather than oatmeal with a few chopped apples, cinnamon, and walnuts.

Aside from that, quinoa breakfast can also be rich in vitamins and minerals. One click aqui of them is calcium which you know, makes our bones strong and healthy, even while we age. It contains Vitamin E which is particularly good for your heart. Your quinoa breakfast gives you a good source of omega3 fatty acids, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, lysine and zinc. Magnesium is a vital mineral that regulates more than 300 enzymes, more than anything else those associated to the body's use of glucose and secretion of insulin.