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Tasty Cooking With Quinoa

Lately, you might have been hearing a lot about quinoa and wondering what all of the fuss is all about. Quinoa is often a delicious food that's been called both a "super food" plus a "super grain". A relative newcomer in the United States, quinoa is rapidly gaining in popularity because it not merely tastes great but can be so good for you!

A highly durable and resilient crop, Quinoa thrived during these arid high altitude regions but was nearly damaged during the 1500 by the Spanish explorer named Francisco Pizarro. Quinoa was regarded as a scared food of the INCA people and Francisco believed that if he destroyed the Quinoa plant he could weaken the culture of the INCA. He was unsuccessful and 5000 years on Quinoa can be obtained on the shelves of many supermarkets.

Just today my wonderful wife was on cooking duties and that we were having honey and mushroom chicken casserole. The only problem was the sauce was excessively runny. So I suggested she throw in some quinoa to absorb the liquid. Now my spouse is very patient and understanding with my quinoa obsession and duly put half a cup into the casserole. Sure enough 15 minutes later we'd a delicious meal with all the sauce absorbed.

If you do not use a severe allergy to gluten, you will probably find these products don't cause any reaction. If your allergy is a lot more serious or if you have celiac disease, you'll want to make sure that you are getting they from factories that don't use the same machines to make both quinoa products and grain products.

Quinoa could be cooked in the same way as rice and used alternatively for rice or couscous. It has a light fluffy texture which has a slight crunch. For extra flavor, it might be toasted in a dry frying pan until it pops after which cooked. Quinoa is a superb additive to soups, stews and casseroles. If you choose, you click aqui may use fruit juice instead of water for cooking. It makes a delicious breakfast cereal.