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Lime Green Edamame Beans on Red Chilean Quinoa - A Colorful and Filling Dinner Option

It has only experienced the last decade that quinoa has been widely available in the western world. In fact, some grocers still do not carry this tiny seed. Because most individuals did not become adults eating quinoa, so many people are confused about how to cook quinoa. This is especially true for red quinoa, because it's not as accessible as white la quinoa. Here are some tips to cooking quinoa!

Quinoa isn't a new miracle discovery. In fact it has been a staple crop in the indigenous peoples in the Andes Mountains for upwards of 6000 years. The Incas named it the "mother grain" and used it in religious rites. Quinoa isn't an actual grain, its a seed. The quinoa plant is related to spinach, swiss chard and beets. The seed has many with the properties within grains.

Contrary to popular belief Quinoa A�is not actually a cereal grain, but in fact a seed. Quinoa is referred A�to as Quinoa grain or pseudo-cereal which is the term provided to foods which might be cooked and eaten like grains and have similar nutritional profiles to grains. Surprisingly the Quinoa grain is closely related to leafy vegetables like beets, swiss chard and spinach, and its particular leaves could be eaten along with the seeds. Quinoa is oftenA�misspeltA�'kinoa' and mispronounced as 'keenoha'. The correctA�pronunciationA�is 'keenwa'.

Quinoa can be an excellent source of minerals and vitamins such as manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorous. Its calorie content is also very efficient at 158 calories per one-fourth cup of uncooked grain. That's around 42.5 grams of quinoa. Quinoa is also an excellent source of fiber and antioxidant protection.

Quinoa is sold in health food stores and some large mainstream grocers as a whole grain, flakes, flour along with pasta products. Quinoa will come in a range of seed colors from orange, pink and yellow to purple and black. Yellow to light, creamy-colored seeds and flours are the variety mostly available in gluten-free products.