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The End of the World Records (EWR) was a record label and production company formed by Brian Aysanabee and John Benson in late 2005. Originally based out of The Bruce House, EWR was brought into existence for the purpose of cataloguing the musical work of Aysanabee under his many pseudonyms.

Early History (2005-2006)

Acquaintances since highschool, Aysanabee and Benson became close friends during the summer of 2004, spending the evenings cycling around Port Arthur, and eventually ended up living together at The Bruce House with Aysanabee occupying the basement and Benson residing in one of the 3 upstairs rooms. It was during this time that Benson became aware of Aysanabee's capacity for churning out quality music at unprecedented speeds. Hand-in-hand with this knowledge came the realization that there was no system in place for cataloguing the artistic output.