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Has clutter taken over your home in Lancaster, PA? If you do not have anymore space on your desk for your current paperwork, keep running into things as you travel through your home or simply can't stand looking at those overflowing book shelves anymore, it may be time to get clutter under control.

Clutter is stealthy. It accumulates slowly over time so that we hardly notice there's an issue. Before long opening a closet becomes a nightmare as things come flying off the top shelf. But it is a popular belief that the amount of clutter in your home can determine how frustrated you feel. Getting rid of clutter is often a great tactic to get a new lease on life. So how do you get started?

Begin with a little project. Make a list of the spaces with the most mess in your house. Start with the worst space. Take a look around. What does not fit in there? Take ten minutes and round up stuff that doesn't have to be in that room and either move them in another location or place them in a box to figure out later. Once you finish your 10 minute clean up, look over the space once more. Does the room seem larger, cleaner and more open?

Second, look over the furnishings in the room. Is there too much furniture? Is the furniture in the space too big? Consider relocating excess furnishings and replacing them with smaller, less intrusive pieces. Don't want to part with mom's beautiful china closet or a special heirloom chest? Don't decide now.

Look for Lancaster, PA storage facilities. You can often find modestly priced storage units in Lancaster, Pennsylvania that can securely hold excess furnishings, seasonal decorations, patio furnishings and a whole lot more. Attempt this procedure for every room in your home in the near future. Work on a single space each time and you'll get a great jump on decluttering your home and feeling less stressed.

City Self Storage